Friday, January 20, 2006


I was reading another blog that I tripped across today, and read this.
One answer as to why this demeaning trick works: women are predisposed to want to please people and earn everyone’s approval. And what the fuck is up with that, yo? This is the sense in which I actually value my bitchiness. Most of my friends say I came off as a stuck -up cold bitch when they first met me. I’m trying to cultivate that in a better direction; as in, letting people’s displeasure towards me roll off my back, because ultimately, I shouldn’t give a flying fuck if they like me.

But yes. I must say, that I do have to fight the urge to make everyone happy and like me. It was much worse when I was younger, when I wouldn’t be able to sleep if so-and-so was mad at me. I’m better about it now, but I still wonder if perhaps this is a biological thing? Or a socially influenced thing? On all women?

read the rest...

Why am I like this as well? Why am I such a fucking girl? I do this soooo much, If I find out that someone dosen't like me or someone snubs me or is rude to me on purpose it reallly bothers me. Messes up my whole day. But I'm spoussed to be a a guy, you know agressive and crude. but that's not me at all. and i know I'm straight, so i don't think that's the issue at all. So why can't I be brutish and controlling like other guys? I treat women with the respect that biology and society tells me that they don't deserve or want and it gets me nowheres contstantly. She goes on to talk about how if someone dosen't like her she then tries to please them even further, totally me too. For some reason if someone does something rude to me I seem to want to get to know them even more, and additionally it then weighs on my mind constantly. ERRGGHH!!! I need a drink.

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