Thursday, September 22, 2005

ewwww, coach is a perv!

What logical sane explanation could possibly explain this? Cross training? I can't imagine why the students went along with this.
Baseball club manager accused of making students go on nude runs

Thursday, September 22, 2005 at 07:46 JST
OKAYAMA — A former manager of Okayama Sanyo High School's baseball club has been accused by club members and their parents of forcing a number of students to strip naked and go running in the school's ballpark in June and last summer, the school head said Wednesday.

Principal Miyoji Harada told reporters that the school is now investigating whether the allegations against the 35-year-old man, who was sacked as club manager last June, are true. Harada said the private school in Kamogata, Okayama Prefecture, conducted a survey of the 45 club members, their parents and guardians after reports of the incidents surfaced, and several acknowledged they had taken place.

The manager has admitted to being in the ballpark when the incidents are alleged to have occurred, and has apologized, Harada said. But the school head stopped short of saying exactly what the manager had apologized for. The principal added that he learned that some members of the school's baseball club had gone on a nude fun run in the ballpark back in 2002.

Harada admitted that he had failed to deal properly with the allegations, saying the school should have investigated them earlier. The manager was relieved of his position in June after failing to report club members to the prefectural branch of the Japan High School Baseball Federation for smoking and other rule infringements.

He was also accused of beating several club members in mid-August, claiming they had lied to him when they said they had cleaned their dormitory. He quit the school Sept 1, Harada said.

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