Thursday, September 08, 2005

Animals need rescuing as well!

Animals need rescuing as much as people, in the vicious wake of hurricane Katrina please consider donating to the humane society's animal disaster relief effort.

Our Disaster Animal Response Teams go to the rescue of animals in communities devastated by hurricanes and floods. You can help by making an emergency gift today. *Click here.*

Dear Friend,

It is a race against time. At this very moment, thousands of pets are stranded in New Orleans and Mississippi - scared, alone, and in some cases on the path to starvation.

We are their last hope. That's why I'm writing to ask if you could support us today by making *a special donation to the Disaster Relief Fund of The Humane Society of the United States.*

I'm on the ground in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area, directing 180 highly trained members of our Disaster Animal Response Teams. Even as you read this, our team members are in the hardest-hit areas, running search and rescue missions to save stranded pets and operating temporary shelters to evaluate, treat, and house those rescued animals.

Our entire relief effort is funded by donations from people like you, and we desperately need your support. *Please make an emergency contribution to our Disaster Relief Fund today.* If you've already made a contribution to HSUS's Disaster Relief Fund, thank you so much! Your tax-deductible gift will be used exclusively for our disaster animal relief work.

We're committed to being here as long as it takes. Please keep the human and animal victims in your thoughts, and please consider *making an emergency donation today* to help our disaster relief teams save as many stranded and injured animals as possible. My dedicated corps of professionals and volunteers here in the disaster zone sends our gratitude.


Laura Bevan
Incident Commander
HSUS National Disaster Animal Response Team Jackson, Mississippi

*P.S.* As the leader of our on-the-ground disaster relief efforts, I can tell you first-hand that the difficult and dangerous task of saving animals' lives in disaster situations is vital not only to the animals, but to the people who love them, too. *Any support you can provide for our animal relief work is deeply appreciated.*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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