Monday, July 25, 2005

vampires scam the elderly

Old people in Italy will fall for anything!

(AGI) - Palermo, Italy, July 23 - Horror fraud in Palermo, where a couple convinced an old woman they were "vampires" and forced her to give them money, for a total of 50,000 euro. The two 'vampires' have been arrestyed by the Carabinieri, charged with fraund. Apparently, they began tormenting the woman in 2001, telling, and convincing her that if she wouldn't take some pills and magic potions the antichrist was going to possess her. The necessary remedies were obviously provided by the vampires, and had to be paid: 50,000 euro in 4 years. Each pill to abort the antichrist's son costed 3,000 euro.

The two people arrested are Ugo Ammannato, aged 48, club singer, who appeared on some local TVs, and his partner, Caterina Traina, aged 38. The investigations started following the report of the woman's sisters, worried by her sudden impoverishing. The Carabinieri wire taped the telephone, and the magistrate for preliminary investigations, Pasqua Seminara, issued the custody warrants, as requested by prosecutor Rita Fulantelli. Ammannato is now jailed at the Ucciardone prison, Ms. Traina at the Pagliarelli one. They will be heard on Monday.
(AGI) - 231742 LUG 05 COPYRIGHTS 2002-2005 AGI S.p.A.

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