Friday, July 14, 2006

Great EV article in LA Weekly

Great Article! All about EVs. The authors mention Tommy Chong's electric lowrider, hmmm.. I wonder if it bounces, cause that would be sweet! That's another celebrity to add to the electric band wagon! It's neat to hear that the same shop working on Chong's conversion is also doing a bunch of LBC (or ABC if you prefer) conversions of Triumphs, Sunbeams, MGs and Lotus cars.

In other EV news the Tesla Roadster is to be unveiled (finally) next Thursday infront of a sold out crowd in Santa Monica, California. Expect this to be big news, as the company has been very secretive concerning this car and hasn't released too many pictures of the vehicle. If you are lucky enough to have seen 'Who Killed The Electric Car?' then you got a glimpse of what it looks like in the closing segment of the film. If you poke around Tesla's website a little there are a few images here and there, a fender here, a charge port there, etc... but no real good view of what by all accounts is to be an amazing ground breaking vechicle.

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