Friday, August 29, 2008

VPGILF A Ron Paul Fan

Wow, she compares herself to ron paul? awesome!
Published by MTV News on Friday, August 29, 2008 at 1:58 pm.

Sarah PalinBy Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Dani Carlson

Back in February, on Super Tuesday, MTV News Street Teamer Dani Carlson did a Flixwagon interview with Alaska Governor — and now presumptive Republican vice-presidential candidate — Sarah Palin, who had some interesting things to say about energy policy and the “party machinery.”

In this interview, Palin calls controversial Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul “cool.” “He’s a good guy,” she added. “He’s so independent. He’s independent of the party machine. I’m like, ‘Right on, so am I.’ ”

She also spoke about feeling allegiance with former presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. “He said all the right things about resource development in Alaska,” she said. “I didn’t have an opportunity to speak to all the candidates, but again, it’s not my job to speak to all the candidates and tell Americans who to vote for. That’s Americans’ jobs, to figure out what candidates are standing for. That’s the voters’ jobs.”

Check out Dani Carlson’s video interview with Gov. Sarah Palin after the jump!

She went on to say that she hoped the needs of her state would be addressed in Washington. “I talk about involvement by Americans having a say in where the nation is going to go,” she said. “This is an exciting day. And for Alaska, you know, I hope we register on somebody’s radar screen.”

She also spoke about Alaska’s natural resources, and urged the next president to look to her state for relief from the country’s reliance on foreign oil. “We have so much oil we are just sitting on,” she said. “We would be less reliant on foreign sources of energy [if we utilized that] — we need to have the ability to tap into it and produce for rest of the United States.”

1 comment:


Well, as long as Hadrian's Wall is plumbed pure and blanced everything is too groovy.