Thursday, June 08, 2006

Stolen Sidekick, LOL!!1

OMG, what a wild story. I really hope we hear in the end that this poor girl gets her phone back. It's possible that the people who stole it have already thrown it into the trash or destroyed it. If they refuse to return it, well then the police should become involved and the perps should be charged w/ a crime, pocession of stolen property or something along those lines. I really don't think this is a hoax as some people have alleged, it seems to organic to be fake, like it's clear that the girl just wants her phone back. Also possible is that this is some sort of viral marketing effort on the behalf of t-mobile. If I was in the same position I too would just like to get the damn phone back and call it a night and were it returned I wouldn't press criminal charges, that tells me it's legit. Hopefully we'll get to see this play out over the next couple of days? I know I'll be watching.

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