Friday, January 06, 2006

could you kill your food?

some shit I wrote on the buzz board in response to a thread about the PETA employee who legally changed his name to here's the link to the story.
ya know, it's hearing about things like this that are slowly beginning to change my thoughts concerning the practice of willfully abusing other creatures for sustenance. I really don't see any fundamental difference between the practice commonly referred to as "humanely slaughtering a chicken intended for human consumption” and something else like violently punting it across the room after ripping its wings and feathers all asunder before ramming a steel rod through its midsection and placing the tasty meal above a nicely stoked fire.

It's not like I am going to become a vegan tomorrow or the next day, but I am merely recognizing at face value the inherent cruelty that fuels life. It’s a simple fact that death enables life. If you believe otherwise, you’re either delusional or stupid.

Many people will gladly and without a hint of remorse or second thought consume a finely prepared dish of lamb shank at a five star restaurant, yet were the same individuals to find themselves presented with the breathing healthy animal, spices, sharp knives and a raging fire they would be entirely incapable of recreating the afore mentioned meal. That is utter hypocrisy in my mind. If you eat chicken mc-fuckin'-nugets at all you should be prepared to personally wring the life from the bird and prepare it, if otherwise don't do it at all.

Me personally; I don’t have a problem with it; I appreciate the fact that some toothless yokel in an Arkansas factory farm has taken all the work out of my chicken strips. I think these are questions every person should consider for themselves.

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