Thursday, December 01, 2005

Dead rat found in russian crackers

When I first read this story I thought we were dealing with a dead human. Who uses infant to describe a rodent? The description small rat would have sufficed. I think the editors of this Russian news magazine must have intentionally loaded the article's title in this fashion in the hopes others would jump to the same conclusion. I mean the dead rat story is ok, but it can't compare with a story about a dead human infant found in a pack of crackers. Happy December First!
Dead infant rat found in a crackers pack

Butyrsky District Court (Moscow) is currently investigating a suit of three citizens who claim for compensation of moral damage and threat to their health, a REGNUM correspondent was told in the press office of the Moscow Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). The sum of moral damage compensation, claimed by three citizens, equals to at least 50 million rubles ($1.786 million).

On March, 18 2005, the plaintiffs bought a product of “Bridgetown foods Ltd.” – rye crackers. When they opened the package, they found a dead body of an infant rat in it.

The plaintiffs went to the local Veterinary-Sanitarian Center to have an expertise conducted. The expertise showed that the body of the infant rat “has the traces of the same thermal and cooking procedures that have been passed over the crackers”, and “the body is covered with the fragments of the crackers, that are identical to the biscuits in the package”. As the press office informs, “it clearly represents that during the production of this package, severe violations of a number of federal laws and sanitarian regulations have been conducted,” that caused the violation of article 7 of the Russian law “On Defense of Consumer Rights”. The plaintiffs avoided food poisoning, but their health was harmed, the medical examination states.

As violations during the production of the foodstuffs have a high rate of the public danger, the lawyer of the victims asked to draw representatives of FAS and the Service for Defense of Consumer Rights to the court sessions as third persons.
Permanent news address:
20:07 12/01/2005

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