Wednesday, October 26, 2005

2004 election stolen - GAO report

So all the reports that were previously derided as belonging in the realm of bat shit crazy conspiracy class banter are now turning out to have some merit. Bev Harris was right! According to the Government Accounting Office there were true inconsistencies and real statistically anomalies during the 2004 election. The most telling of these is the fact that in New Mexico no precinct using electronic voting was scored for Kerry. Not a single one in fact. Doesn’t that seem odd, in a natural distribution of data you rarely see anything that total and clear cut, there's usually an outlier, at least one data point that bucks the trend. Here you don’t see that and I find that extremely troubling. I’m sure were you to examine the distribution of Kerry wins in that state for every other county not using electronic voting and then compare that to the electronic voting sites it would appear even more bothersome.

We need to take the responsibility of EV vendor selection away from the individual counties and states as its plain to see that they are making awful choices that leave the door open for fraud. A federalized election system should be established capable of counting every vote accurately as the vote happens. Then we could have a website to watch the vote happen, a real time count. In America there are many companies that specialize in systems integration, one of them is my employer SAIC, they could bring this project to fruition in a timely and cost conscious fashion. A consortium of system integrators should be formed under the direction of the FEC to create a nationalized voting platform to be put into use by every voting precinct, their work should be subjected to a rigorous IV&V process. This is entirely possible and should be a priority, a HUGE priority for our nation. I’m afraid it’ll never happen. The same inexcusable shit is going to happen again in 2008.

Anyways… read the report and draw your own conclusions.
- GAO Report - A good summation of the report's findings.

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