Saturday, August 13, 2005

this is disgusting, ebay hits new low

amazing, a peice of trash wrapped up in a bad pun is apparently worth $2.8K, lovely. I wish I had thought of that.
Scottsdale man's candy wrapper fetches $2,800 on eBay

Jessica Coomes
The Arizona Republic
Aug. 13, 2005 12:00 AM

A powerhouse eBay buyer has pounced on a Scottsdale man's online auction, paying $2,815.43 for an M&M's wrapper., an online casino famous for off-the-wall eBay buys, was basking in the publicity of its latest odd purchase Friday.

The M&M's wrapper will be framed and placed among the ranks of's other well-known purchases, including a toasted cheese sandwich with an image resembling the Virgin Mary and a pregnancy test purportedly used by Britney Spears.

"I'm sure it might even have a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for most expensive candy wrapper ever sold," spokesman Jeff Kay said from the online casino's marketing headquarters in Montreal.

Brian Schwartz of Scottsdale teamed up with another eBay seller from Virginia to create a rap music-themed auction featuring an M&M wrapper, not to be confused with the rapper Eminem. The play on words attracted more than 53,000 people to view the Web page, which worked its way up to be the second most-watched item on eBay this week.

Reach the reporter at


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Princess Pessimism said...

Arent people fucking idiots??? Ugh, some people's children...I swear