Monday, July 25, 2005

finally... a cure for drunk dialing

Oh god, this article is spot on. However this service would never do me any good cause I would have to block like every freaking number in my phone for it to be effective. In other news i think i may have given up drinking.
Drunk dialing must be avoided at all costs
By Jim Foreman
Published: Monday, July 25, 2005

Despite the efforts of the most brilliant scientists, life's most elusive mystery remains unsolved: How do the most technologically incompetent people manage to operate a cell phone when they are inebriated?

In response to the recent increase in "drunk-calling," the Australian branch of Virgin Mobile added to its services the ability to blacklist certain numbers before a night of alcohol consumption in order to avoid making socially devastating drunken phone calls. To activate, customers must merely dial 333 and then the phone number they want blocked. Although it costs 25 cents per number, it spares you the trouble of finding a designated phone dialer to supervise you while operating a cellular phone.

keep reading, it's worth it.

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