Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Copper theft closses schools.

Wow, those kids should count their blessings, a day off from school due to a spike in commodity prices and an unscrupulus smelter!
Copper theft forces school to cancel classes

Elias C. Arnold
The Arizona Republic
Mar. 17, 2008 03:20 PM

Hurley Ranch Elementary School was closed Monday after thieves stole a series of copper pipes that deliver water to the school.

Principal Melanie Block said she learned of the problem Sunday morning and opted to cancel classes, only to discover the next day that thieves had returned.

"Last night, they came in and finished the job and took the remaining three pipes that were out there," Block said Monday.

The initial theft was discovered about 8 a.m. Sunday when a church group noticed there was no running water. The group rents space at the school, near 91st Avenue and Broadway Road in Phoenix.

Officials soon found a pipe that delivers water to the school had been cut off and stolen. They decided to cancel classes when maintenance workers were unable to repair the damage.

Teachers were on campus until about 10 p.m. Sunday calling parents of the school's nearly 950 students about the closure. Only about 50 parents had to be turned away Monday morning, Block said.

But officials arrived by 6 a.m. Monday to learn the remaining water delivery pipes had been cut.

A cage protects the pipes, which stick out of the ground. The thieves apparently used bolt cutters to open the cages, Block said.

She said the repairs should be completed Monday, though students could be sent to other Union Elementary School District schools for classes if the thieves strike again.

"I'm running with the positive intention school will be up and running tomorrow (Tuesday), " she said.

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