Saturday, June 02, 2007

Conservatives shouldn't accept fraudulent Fred

That's right; Fred Thompson is a phony! Don't let the media tell you this guy is the real deal, cause he's a poser, big time. He's got a tacky whife and a cheap face lift to boot. He's possibly gravely ill with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. bad news this guy, bad news.
Conservatives shouldn't accept fraudulent Fred
Thursday, May 31, 2007
By Paul Mulshine

The race for the Republican presidential nomination has just begun, yet the so-called "top tier" candidates have all been shown to have deep flaws.

John McCain is a nice guy, but he's clearly off his rocker. Mitt Romney needs to change all of his positions 180 degrees. Oh, wait. He's already done that. And as for Rudy Giuliani, he's already bored the public to tears with his self-appointed Sept. 11 sainthood. The next time he mentions "911," it had better be because he's getting mugged.

This creates a great opportunity for a good, old-fashioned conservative to enter the race. And right on cue, advisers to actor Fred Thomp son are saying that he will enter the race over the July 4 weekend.

There's just one problem: Fred Thompson is not a conservative. He just plays one on TV.
Read the rest here.

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