Tuesday, September 12, 2006

U.S. Park Police officer shot and killed Precious

I can't begin to think about this story in today's washington post. this is sooo sad. What the hell is wrong with people? that must have been one vicous dog that it had to be delt with like that. Did the officer even try and call animal control, why did he have to shoot a dog? there should be an investigation.

Dog Shot, Killed After Charging Officer, Police Say
By Allan Lengel
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, September 12, 2006; Page B03

A homeless Texan named Joe often preached about the Lord and hung out in Dupont Circle with his white dog, Precious. People say she was harmless. The same for Joe.

But a U.S. Park Police officer shot and killed Precious yesterday after the unleashed, 6-year-old pit bull charged him shortly before 6 p.m. about 35 feet from the circle's fountain, police said. Witnesses said the park was filled with people.

"When I . . . saw it, I was shocked," said Carolyn Stromberg, 27, who was sitting by the fountain with her brother. "I started crying. We hadn't heard any dogs attacking."

She said the dog's owner ran toward the animal, asking: "Why did you shoot my dog? He was just chasing squirrels."
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