Monday, June 05, 2006

Who killed the EVs?

Great article about this upcoming film! There's some interesting details in here that i hadn't heard before. Like the fact that the filmaker was an EV1 driver himself, and GM took back the car without telling him while it was being serviced at a dealership with 2 months on the lease! WTF?
Three months later, activists discovered that 78 EV1s were in storage at a GM facility in the LA suburb of Burbank. They staged a month-long vigil for the vehicles' survival. To challenge the company's line that nobody wanted them, they found buyers for every last one and offered a total of $1.9 million.

At a time when america's auto makers are under such intense pressure to remain profitable, when foreign brands dominate the marketplace, these idiots are willfully destroying cars that people were willing to spend good money on. Something stinks!

Update: I just got an invite to a screening here in dc on the 20th, I'm hella excited. Thank you Bob! I'll be sure and post a full review after i see it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.