Auditor loses McAfee employee data
By Joris Evers
Staff Writer, CNET
Published: February 23, 2006, 10:46 AM PST
An external auditor lost a CD with information on thousands of current and former McAfee employees, putting them at risk of identity fraud.
The disc was lost on Dec. 15 by Deloitte & Touche USA, McAfee spokeswoman Siobhan MacDermott said Thursday. The Santa Clara, Calif.-based security software company was first notified on Jan. 11, and on Jan. 30, it received particulars of the data that may have been on the CD, MacDermott said.
The disc contained personal details on all current U.S. and Canadian McAfee workers hired prior to April 2005 and on about 6,000 former employees in the same region, MacDermott said. (The security company currently has approximately 3,290 employees worldwide.) The information wasn't encrypted and potentially includes names, Social Security numbers and stock holdings in McAfee.
"We notified our current and former employees last week and the week before," MacDermott said. "We have no reason to believe that any of the information has been accessed, and we are proactively protecting McAfee current and former employees with credit monitoring services."
Deloitte & Touche confirmed the incident. "A Deloitte & Touche employee left an unlabelled backup CD in an airline seat pocket," a representative for the professional services firm said. "We are not aware of any unauthorized access to this data in the two months since the CD was lost."
In other news:
The McAfee incident is the latest in a string of data security breaches. In the last 12 months, more than 53 million personal records have been exposed in dozens of incidents, according to information compiled by the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.
McAfee has arranged for past and present U.S. employees to receive free services for up to two years from credit reporting agency Equifax. Similar arrangements are being made with a credit monitoring provider for Canadian employees, MacDermott said.
Deloitte & Touche USA is a multibillion-dollar professional services firm that provides audit, tax, consulting and financial services.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
McAfee's blunder; symantec plunder
Woah, this should be big news right now. Ever watch Mad Money on CNBC? I do. Jim Cramer is always pushing McAfee. Best of breed my ass. No, in reality it's the accounting firm that should bear the brunt of responsibility in this case, but also they should at the same time be thanked for being so forthright. As the misplaced disc was a back-up copy, it might have been easy for them to just make another copy and pretend it never happened. So who's this hot shot ace accounting exuctive tossing around sensitive data while on a plane? that's rockstar. Anyways.. Cramer should dump McAfee in favor of Symantec, BOOYYA Jim.
Call your congressman!
Well ain't that fucked.
Congress Poised to Pass Bill Taking Away Right to Know What's in Your Food
Tell your Congressman or Congresswoman to vote "No" on House of Representatives Bill H.R. 4167, the "National Uniformity for Food Act"
The House of Representatives will vote this week on a controversial "national food uniformity" labeling law that will take away local government and states' power to require food safety food labels such as those required in California and other states on foods or beverages that are likely to cause cancer, birth defects, allergic reactions, or mercury poisoning. This bill would also prevent citizens in local municipalities and states from passing laws requiring that genetically engineered foods and ingredients such as Monsanto's recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) be labeled.
The House will vote March 2, 2006 on a bill that would gut state food safety and labeling laws. H.R. 4167, the "National Uniformity for Food Act," lowers the bar on food safety by overturning state food safety laws that are not "identical" to federal law. Hundreds of state laws and regulations are at risk, including those governing the safety of milk, fish, and shellfish. The bill is being pushed by large supermarket chains and food manufacturers, spearheaded by the powerful Grocery Manufacturers of America.
Big food corporations and the biotech industry understand that consumers are more and more concerned about food safety, genetic engineering, and chemical-intensive agriculture, and are reading labels more closely. They understand that pesticide and mercury residues and hazardous technologies such as genetic engineering and food irradiation will be rejected if there are truthful labels required on food products. Industry-sponsored H.R. 4167 is gaining momentum and must be stopped! Act now! Preserve local and regional democracy and protect yourself and your family from unsafe food by sending an email or calling your Representative and urging them to vote "No" on H.R. 4167.
Please Take Action Now--Send a Message to Your Congress Member in the House of Representatives to Vote "No" on H.R. 4167
And please call your Congress Member at 202-224-3121
Regards & Solidarity,
Ronnie Cummins,
Organic Consumers Association
Monday, February 27, 2006
Russians like to eat dead humans.
Man, those wacky Russians are always up to something.
2 Cannibals Convicted of Murder After Cooking Russian Man for Dinner
Created: 27.02.2006 11:49 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:53 MSK, 7 hours 7 minutes ago
A court in Russia’s Far East convicted two men of murder after they killed and ate a man, sharing the meal with their girlfriends. The women were not prosecuted as cannibalism proper is not punishable under Russian criminal law.
The two men, residents of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, have been found guilty of murder, Interfax reported Monday, and sentenced them to 20 and 13 years in prison.
In October 2004 the two friends met a man at an alcohol kiosk. After a brief conversation, they killed him, dismembered his body and cooked it.
Then they invited their girlfriends to dinner, telling them the meat was dogs’ meat. The girls only learned what they had eaten after they finished the dinner.
However the girls who ate human flesh were not taken to court.
“The Russian legislation does not say anything about cannibalism,” the court said.
A similar trial took place in Kamchatka four years ago. Then, the group of criminals that killed and ate several people were sentenced to more than 20 years in prison each.
Friday, February 24, 2006
on this day...
Today is an important holiday in Estonia.
Estonian Declaration of Independence, 24 February 1918
To All The Peoples of Estonia
Never in the course of centuries have the Estonian people lost their ardent desire for Independence. From generation to generation Estonians have kept alive the secret hope that in spite of enslavement and oppression by other nations the time will come in Estonia ?when all splinters, at both end, will burst forth into flames? and when ?Kalev will come home to bring his children happiness.?
Now this time has arrived.
An unprecedented struggle of nations has destroyed the rotten foundations of the Russian Tsarist Empire. All over the Sarmatian plains ruinous anarchy is spreading, threatening to overwhelm in its wake all peoples living within the borders of the former Russian Empire. From the West the victorious armies of Germany are approaching in order to claim their share of Russia?s legacy and, above all, to take possession of the coastal territories of the Baltic Sea.
In this fateful hour the Estonian National Council, as the legal representative of our land and people, has, in unanimous agreement with Estonian democratic political parties and organizations, and by virtue of the right of self-determination of peoples, found it necessary to take the following decisive steps to shape the destiny of Estonian land and people.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Who the fuck drinks ONE beer? Those things are like lays potato chips, you can't have just one. Especially if your Dick Cheney, a man with two DUIs under his belt and a reckless disregard for the law. of course he was drunk!
Sloshed: Journalist Says Secret Service Report Claims Cheney was Drunk
by Dave Lindorff Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2006 at 8:45 AM
And anyhow, what kind of a guy would shoot a friend, and then pack him off to the hospital and not go hang around the waiting room to see how he’s doing, instead of going home and having dinner and a drink?
The vice president was tanked when he confused his hunting companion, Texas Republican stalwart Harry Whittington, for a quail, according to Capital Hill Blue reporter and editor Doug Thompson.
In an article in Capital Hill Blue, Thompson, who worked for several key Republican members of Congress before going back into journalism and who appears to have excellent contacts on the Hill and in the White House, says the Secret Service agents who travel with and guard Cheney filed a written report saying the vice president was "clearly inebriated" at the time of the shooting.
The Secret Service report, according to Thompson, who says he spoke with people who've seen it, states that Cheney showed "visible signs" of impairment, such as slurred speech and erratic behavior.
This would put Cheney's inexcusable delay of a day in making the shooting public and also the even more inexcusable effort made by the owners of the ranch and the Cheney entourage to bar local sheriff's deputies from interviewing anyone, including the shooter himself, until the following day, in a different light.
All the nonsense about "needing to know what Whittington's condition was" before going public, or "wanting the ranch owners to be the ones" to tell the story, or about Cheney being too upset to talk about it are just so much bull. This was a case of ducking the law.
Hunting while drunk and shooting someone is a felony in Texas, and the vice president is escaping prosecution because he has the power to hide his crime and his reckless poor judgement.
It had always struck me as peculiar that Cheney, after shooting someone he describes as a friend, would not have gone to the hospital with him, and hung around there at least until learning that he was okay. But what did Cheney do? He went back to the Armstrong house after shipping Whittington off to the hospital in the ambulance that follows him everywhere, and had a drink (!) and a nice dinner.
I know Cheney has the public persona of being a cold bastard, but even heartless SOBs at least want to look like they care about their friends, so why would the vice president have not at least made a show of going to the hospital--unless he was unable to walk straight, and was afraid a local sheriff might get past his Secret Service guards with a breathalizer.
Cheney, it should be noted, has a reputation as a hard drinker (he has two DUI convictions on his record--one more than the president), and the belated admission that he'd had "one beer" before heading out on the hunt never seemed very credible.
Unfortunately, we're unlikely to see this story go very far, since the White House is unlikely to let the Secret Service report see the light of day. Still, if that report is out there, it's also unlikely that it will simply vanish. Sooner or later the story will come out.
Thompson also reports that the Secret Service confiscated all Whittington's blood tests from the hospital, making it impossible to know whether he also was drunk--a finding which would have cast further doubt on the vice president's sobriety at the time of the shooting.
The best that can be said of this whole sorry incident is that at least we're unlikely to have to hear any more moralizing from this sorry vice president.
By the way, compare our brave and noble VP's response to his own shooting of a friend to the way Franklin Roosevelt responded to someone being shot and injured during an attempt on his own life. This from Richey Hope of Hinsdale, IL, whose own grandfather was the shooting victim:
When Giuseppe Zangara, an anarchist and immigrant, emptied his revolver at President-elect FDR (during a motorcade in 1933), he wounded five people, including my great-grandfather, Mayor Anton J. Cermak of Chicago. Roosevelt had been speaking via microphone from the back of his open limousine to a crowd of about 15,000 at a park. Cermak had been speaking to FDR while standing on the running board, and fell wounded to the ground. The Secret Service, not even knowing the number of shooters, immediately started to drive off. Roosevelt looked back, saw Cermak on the ground, and courageously ordered the Secret Service to back up the car. FDR then had the Mayor, his one-time political enemy, placed in the back with him, and held him all the way to the hospital. What FDR did was especially brave when one considers that because of his lower paralysis he was, in effect, trapped in that open car.
Roosevelt went to the hospital with Cermak. Cheney shipped his victim off the the hospital and hung back at the ranch and had another drink and dinner by the fire.
Deadeye Dick had "other priorities" I guess, just like he did back during the Vietnam War, when others of his political convictions were signing up for duty.
For other stories by Lindorff, please go (at no charge) to This Can't Be Happening! .
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
mattb shows himself + MARX TONIGHT
Here's a picture of myself from saturday's party, I'm the white guy.
lovely, huh? As you can tell I'm drunk in this picture, and there may be a peice of food stuck to my upper lip. eww...
Anywayssss..... MARX TONIGHT! It's tuesday, time to rock out to some classic garage and 2step at a revolutionary bar in Mt. Pleasent. be there!
3203 Mount Pleasant St. NW, Washington, DC
keg party wrap-up, HOLL@!!!1
So the party was a great sucess, peep the photos here. We still have a half full keg, I'm slowly working on drinking the rest of it, but I am only one man. We managed to convince everybody at the party that it was Miller Lite, ha ha.. it wasn't! It was Busch Lite! I guess nobody figured it out or didn't care. The pictures includes many shots of people on the floor in various states of fucked-up-ed-ness. As you can see from the photos there was a lot of wrestling on the ground and people getting drawn on. The sushi I brought for the party went over real well, it was a HUGE platter (sorry no pics )-:) that I got from Kotobuki, well worth it and very delicious! We played nintendo games, duck hunt, mario, DR. Mario, mortal combat, etc.. Al in all I feel it lived up to the bar we set the last time we threw a shin-ding like this.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Keg party this weekend
THE 18th, (Saturday)
1406 Webster ST NW, Wash dc.
$10 suggested donation.
It's my roomate Jessica's birthday party. Much drunken fun to be had by all. Come one, come all, no weapons or bad vibes. DJ? maybe. Won't be me that's for damn sure, lol. I'll be too busy schooling everybody on the Beruit tables! Our last party was pretty off the hook. we'll be holding it down steady at the ready. Hopefully the weather will cooperate as well. man we have a lot of cleaning to get done before tommorow night. good times.
Dick Cheney and what he can do to make it right
So Dick Cheney shot someone in the face; why must this become another administration stumble? When did these supposed spin wizards loose the ability to manage the national conversation and keep everybody "on message"? There is a missed opportunity here; for the white house could turn this mishap into something positive if they weren’t concerned with saying as little as possible. The Vice President should start a hunting safety initiative, give a series of fireside chats on cable news TV, explain through the steady counsel of range safety experts, how accidents like this can be avoided. This new office would sponsor grass roots education efforts throughout America bent on encouraging youngsters to take up hunting, with a mind for safety and protocol. This is the kind of stuff the Boy Scouts and the NRA should be doing if were it not for all the lawsuits and gay scout masters consuming these organizations time and resources. Dick Cheney's little hunters club; or something like that. Ultimately I'd like to see a coloring book, with cartoon depictions of the VP demonstrating safe muzzle control, proper transportation of firearms, the correct way to hunt game birds when hunting with more than just two people, dog handling, etc... It'd be a heartfelt way for the VP to give something back to the electorate that has given so much in return.
Editorial: Cheney's actions blow against hunter safety
No, bird hunters don’t shoot each other all the time, regardless of what partisan hacks are saying in defense of Vice-President Dick Cheney.
The Vice President earned unwanted publicity after shooting a 78-year-old hunter in the face while hunting quail in south Texas. The hunter will recover, but the accident produced a secondary wound: the cause of hunter safety. A sample of just-another-day-in-the-woods punditry. Washington Times columnist Wes Pruden: “The Texas authorities are more bemused than interested, since such accidents are commonplace in bird-hunting country.” u A Salina, Kan., caller to Rush Limbaugh: “I’ve been shot before, and I’ve seen -- well, I’ve even shot a kid before. Not intentionally.” Rush’s response: “Thanks a lot for that professional input.”
Mark Steyn on the National Review’s The Corner weblog: “From an anecdotal survey of my part of the North Country, most guys see the Cheney business as an excuse to tell their own hunting stories, mostly of the been-there-done-(or-nearly-done)-that variety.”
Such are factually wrong and slander anyone who hunts. In 2004, Texas reported just 29 hunting accidents in a state that issues over 1 million hunting licenses. The overwhelming majority of hunters are extraordinarily careful. The Vice President is a conspicuous exception.
The Vice President himself didn’t help matters by waiting four days to accept any responsibility for what happened, during which time various spokesmen blamed the victim for not properly announcing his whereabouts. Nor did Cheney accept responsibility for failing to purchase the proper hunting stamp. He pinned that one on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Every year in Wisconsin, volunteer instructors devote many hours teaching the virtues of gun safety -- knowing one’s target, knowing what’s behind the target and knowing where one’s hunting partners are at all times. The scandal over the Cheney hunting accident isn’t that it took 21 hours for the accident to become public; it’s that a careless Vice-President and his media apologists complicated the task of hunter safety instructors and sullied the reputation of a noble sport. Hunting deserves better than that.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
drunk n' fun for everybody
Last night at Marx was another night of fun n' games. Good tunes and good drinking were in great supply. OMG I'm so hung over right now, I didn't drag my sorry ass into the office until almost 11am today, I'm dragggging soo bad. Last nigt at marx this guy who I was talking too for a while was getting really drunk, it's my fault cause i was like, SHOTS! SHOTS! WE ALL MUST DO SHOTS OF JACK! COME EVERYBODY, what of course im buying! ha ha ha!. . . . then this guy started to slur his words real bad and then he fell off his bar stool and smashed a bar glass, beer and glass went everywhere. I'm not sure why mike gave him another beer. and he ordered another jack on the rocks after this happened, got that too. then he went to move an ashtray from the bar to where the wall he was leaning on was helping to stand him up and SMASH! ashtry bites it, two count! 5 minutes later... another bar glass was dropped by this loser, that makes three! mike (bartender at marx) kept trying to take his beer away everytime he set it down but when he did the drunk would reach reflexivly for the brew just before mike could snatch it. and this guy was wasted by now, wandering around aimlessly, trying to talk to people but not making any sense at all. pathetic. Eventually after breaking ANOTHER ashtray mike had the guy thrown out. after collecting his tab mind you. Anyways,... the music was on point last night, I played a sappy love song set, spinning out material that normally wouldn't get the chance to be heard save for the fact that it was a "holiday" of sorts last nite. then the guy who mike just booked for sunday nites went on to try out the setup, he borrored my headphones and went at it with a mix of spanish language rap, salsa and latino dance music. Damn the guy had some tigghhttt tunez, diamonds all around, a pleasure to hear. maybe I'll go to marx this sunday nite to hear this guy spin out the rest of his catalouge. awsome. i own tuesday nites, now to get some work done.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
MARX CAFE tonight!
Special Saint Valentine's Day set tonite. umm.. well actually no. It'll be jammin' anyways, fo shizzle. We'll be watching olympics on the tvs and I'll be spinning classic love songs all nite long. love is in the air.. etc. Seeya there!
Marx Cafe
3203 Mount Pleasant St. NW
Washington, DC
Marx Cafe
3203 Mount Pleasant St. NW
Washington, DC
Monday, February 13, 2006
weather and the VPs anger issues
My sunday night gig never happened, the snow hath paralised the DC metro area and in response Japone closed up. Folks here in DC are big pussies whenever it snows. We got less than a foot, and it's melting as we speak. oh well. Max said we'll re-schedule, so be on the look out for a make up date.
In the news - The VP shot someone in the face, for real! the official story id that the victim accidently walked into the VPs line of fire just as he was sighting up some game birds. That sorta mumbo jumbo my fly over at the New York Times, but not around here. Ever seen the movie Goodfellas? I have. Remeber the part whre spider dies after making a smart remark to Tommy DeVito, aka Joe Peschi? and tommy dosen't like it so he shoots him, and then spider dies? I think something like that happened here, this Harry Whittington must have made some scarcastic remark about illegal wiretaps, or an administration run by incompetent criminals. The enraged Dick just happened to have a gun handy, and BLAMMO! one to the face, how do you like that, I don't hear you talking now that your face is full of buckshot! See normally whenever the VP becomes homicidal his staff is there to restrain him until the rage subsides, but this time he had a weapon handy and his knee jerk reaction, when faced with critism, is to try and either strangle or stab, or in this case just use a gun. Dman that was easy, it's a shame I can't use this at my new press conference. lol. nice one dick!
In the news - The VP shot someone in the face, for real! the official story id that the victim accidently walked into the VPs line of fire just as he was sighting up some game birds. That sorta mumbo jumbo my fly over at the New York Times, but not around here. Ever seen the movie Goodfellas? I have. Remeber the part whre spider dies after making a smart remark to Tommy DeVito, aka Joe Peschi? and tommy dosen't like it so he shoots him, and then spider dies? I think something like that happened here, this Harry Whittington must have made some scarcastic remark about illegal wiretaps, or an administration run by incompetent criminals. The enraged Dick just happened to have a gun handy, and BLAMMO! one to the face, how do you like that, I don't hear you talking now that your face is full of buckshot! See normally whenever the VP becomes homicidal his staff is there to restrain him until the rage subsides, but this time he had a weapon handy and his knee jerk reaction, when faced with critism, is to try and either strangle or stab, or in this case just use a gun. Dman that was easy, it's a shame I can't use this at my new press conference. lol. nice one dick!
Friday, February 10, 2006
mattb @ Tsunami Tsundays 2-12-06
This sunday, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!!! No, it's not a monster truck rally, it's what will be matt's first dj stint that's not at marx. It's at cafe Japone's ShangoSho lounge, 9-10.
2032 P St. (21st and P St.) NW
Washington, DC 20036
18+, 21 to drink
This place has excellent first rate sushi and japanese cuisene, it's to die for, it's that good read the washpost review if you don't belive me. For me this an important first step, and I really hope that it goes well for me, seeing as I haven't really practiced much recently. When I first started going out to parties in DC this place was one of the first spots I ever checked out so it seems rather neat that I'm playing there. nervous as fuck though... I'm going to spend time this weekend playing along with song order and such, really try and put together the correct mix, so to speak. So please if your going to be downtown DC near dupount circle this Sunday nite, come check it out, ya herd? Here's some more info on the lineup's.
Guest DJs: Brother Pinch | Matt B | JR
Resident DJs: GruvRegulator | Shaft XXL | Ken Lazee | Synz
Tsunami Tsundays @ SangoSho (located under Cafe Japone)
9pm-1am every Sunday
2032 P St. (21st and P St.) NW
Washington, DC 20036
18+, 21 to drink
Ohh thats right it's 2 Step Garage night. Something that we don't get enough of around here. There are great dj's who take the time to crate crawl and surf the nooks and cranies of the english internet muffin to find these hot tracks, and soulful sounds. We are bringing them to you @ Cafe Japone. Kick Ass DJ's are why Tsunami Tsundays has been such a long running party, yes even for sunday night.
A dj, producer, and artist, Brother Pinch pushes the soulful side of UKG from deep down grooves to roaring basslines. In early 2003 Brother Pinch joined forces to found 2-Charming Crew (DC/Baltimore's only UK Garage crew) and their weekly party, Delivery. BP's sets always include classic 2-step, 4x4 and increasingly his own new tracks. If you crave hot vocals thrown overtop a nasty bassline be sure to catch Brother Pinch out.
A relatively new face to our ever abundant scene Matt B will be fiercely brandishing a dangerous assortment of groovy 2step and zany garage mashups. Subversive | DC is his crew, I know you've heard of them. Matt B runs the only 2-Step garage night in the city. Please get a pen and paper.....The Marx cafe, a hip little revolutionary bar in the heart of Mt. Pleasant, he will give you a taste of some of the unique flavors he whips up on Tuesday nights at the Marx .
JR If you don't know him by now you obviously need to stop by. He is one of the most energetic personalities in our scene. If he isn't rippin up the dance floor battling it out within in the unrelenting circle, putting Usher to shame than he must funkin' it up on the decks with his very signature sound of breaks, house, and 2 Step Garage, and only the most proper remixes to get your joints poppin' and droppin'. He is a regular guest here and member of Plate Techtoniks. Please welcome back Mr. JR for a special Garage set.
This is DC’s hottest way to close out a weekend. Sango Sho offers a delicious selection of Japanese cuisine and drink that earned it an *editors choice* in the Washington Post. So come down; enjoy the vibe, the beats, the great food; and the aquarium-like atmosphere. We look forward to seeing YOU there!!!
9pm - 10:15 - Matt B | Subversive - DC
10:15- 11:30 - Brother Pinch | 2 Charming Crew - Baltimore
11:30 - Close - JR | Plate Techtoniks - DC
For more info and directions; check out
Thursday, February 09, 2006
the other mile high club
I wonder if other passengers were knocking on the door and trying to get the flight staff to do something. "This guy has been in there for almost 20 minutes now, and I really have to go!" These planes have more than one wc these days, so I guess that it wasn't a really big deal until they landed. If I chose to hang myself, there would be some measure of satisfaction in rudely inconveniencing airline passengers like that. Lol.
UPDATE: Apparently the stiff was the guy who burnt up a Ford dealership last Sunday. I guess he didn't like his APR?
Jet Lands in Denver After Apparent Suicide
Feb 09 12:14 PM US/Eastern
A man apparently hanged himself in an airplane lavatory during a flight that was diverted to Denver after his body was discovered, police said.
Denver medical examiner's spokeswoman Michelle Weiss-Samaras said an autopsy was planned for the body of Gerald Georgettis, 56, of Miami, which was found Wednesday on a United Airlines flight from Washington, D.C., to Los Angeles.
"Right now, everything leads us to believe the male involved did commit suicide," police Detective Virginia Lopez said. No other passengers were ever in danger, she added.
Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
UPDATE: Apparently the stiff was the guy who burnt up a Ford dealership last Sunday. I guess he didn't like his APR?
Man Hanging In Plane Lavatory Was Charged In Arson Case
Man Had Set Miami Auto Showroom On Fire Earlier, Police Say
POSTED: 5:35 am MST February 9, 2006
UPDATED: 10:49 am MST February 9, 2006
DENVER -- Police are investigating the apparent suicide of an airplane passenger that forced a Los Angeles-bound flight to divert to Denver. Authorities said a man was found hanging in a lavatory of the United Airlines flight Wednesday night.
The plane departed Washington, D.C., en route to LAX, but had to detour to Denver. Passengers were put on another plane before the flight took off again for California. The Denver medical examiner's office identified the man Thursday as Gerald Georgettis, 56, of Miami, Fla.
According to the Miami TV station WPLG, Georgettis was involved in an arson incident on Sunday at a Ford dealership in Miami. Miami-Dade police said Georgettis was upset about the price he paid for a new Ford Escape. According to police, Georgettis drove his vehicle into the showroom of Metro Ford, poured gasoline over the showroom and set it on fire. Contacted by the TV station the following day, Georgettis said it was a stupid thing to do and he regretted it.
Fire officials said the blaze scorched about a dozen cars, including a limited edition 2006 Ford GT Heritage. Only 250 of the cars that sell for $150,000 were made. Georgettis was charged with first-degree arson and felony criminal mischief in connection with the incident.
The station said he quit his job as a supervisor with the city of North Miami Beach the day after the television interview. He had managed and booked acts into the city's Performing Arts Theater for the last four years. It's not yet known how Georgettis got from Miami to Washington, D.C. for the flight, or why he was going to Los Angeles.
Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Curious george co-editor found dead.
Wow someone really dosen't like the man in the yellow hat! That's pretty scary, IMO... sucks, yo. :pursout40: RIP gramps.
Curious George Collaborator Found Dead in Boynton Beach Driveway
2/8/2006 11pm report
BOYNTON BEACH, FL (AP) -- Police say the body of a collaborator on the children's book series Curious George was found in a Boynton Beach driveway.
Alan Shalleck's body was covered in black garbage bags in the driveway of his mobile home. Investigators say they received an anonymous 9-1-1 call yesterday morning but they haven't released details about the death.
The 76-year-old co-edited more than 28 Curious George books and helped write and direct 104 short film. The mischievous monkey, created in 1939 by Hans and Margret Rey, makes his big screen debut Friday in movie theaters nationwide.
Shalleck came to Florida in the early 1990s, working in the children's department of a Boynton Beach bookstore. There he created Gramps, the persona he used when reading to children. He created the company, Reading By GRAMPS, and made numerous public appearances at book stores and local events.
Created: 2/9/2006 10:48:29 AM
Updated: 2/9/2006 10:50:37 AM
© 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, rewritten, or redistributed.
Man steals big rig full of perfume.
What a shame this guy didn't get away with this, how easier could it get with the keys still in the truck. Where would you sell it though, ebay? lol.
Tampa Man Charged with Taking Truck with $1.9 Million in Perfume
WEST PALM BEACH, FL (AP) -- Police didn't have to do much to sniff out this theft suspect. Felix Cabrera, 34, of Tampa, was charged with stealing a tractor-trailer carrying more than $1.9 million in perfume and cologne.
Cabrera took the vehicle from a Fort Pierce truck stop after the driver left the keys in the ignition, according to the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office. The items were being driven from New York to Fort Lauderdale.
Authorities spotted the truck headed south on the turnpike near Boynton Beach about 10 a.m. Wednesday. Cabrera pulled over, ran from the truck and swam across a canal before being apprehended, police said.
He was charged with grand theft and resisting arrest.
Created: 2/9/2006 10:41:46 AM
Updated: 2/9/2006 10:42:06 AM
© 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, rewritten, or redistributed.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
marx last night
Marx was real fun last night. There was some guy I met there, he brought records with him, we tagged out for an hour or so. Then someone else was walking by, and happened to pop in right quick, and came back with some dubs. We had a real lab type atmosphere going on, it was good times and I didn't get too wasted. I think that's what I really dig about that place, no one really cares what sorta music is in the background, just as long as its groovy, not too loud and helps build the mood. While everybody is drinkin' and groving on the tunes I get to try out some new tunes for the first time. it's win/win!
Suez Canal all jammed up
I am waiting on my mixer to arrive, but I'm pretty sure that's being shipped from Texas and wont be traveling on a container ship through the Suez canal at any point during its journey. But what coud explain its abcense? dammnnt.. I want my mixer now!
Suez canal blocked by cargo ship
A cargo ship has blocked the Suez canal, jamming traffic in one of the world's busiest waterways. The 93,000-tonne Hong Kong-flagged ship drifted from its path and became wedged across the canal as it travelled from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. Four tug boats had been sent to help pull the vessel free and ease the congestion, officials said.
The Suez is one of Egypt's main sources of revenue. Lost income is said to be $7m for each day the canal is shut. The incident happened at 1100 local time (0900 GMT) near the town of Ismailiya, Egyptian officials said. They said strong winds may have been a factor.
At least seven ships that were in the vessel's convoy remained blocked behind it and transit in both directions had to be stopped. Some 7.5% of world sea trade passes through the canal, which is 190km-long (118 miles) and 300m-wide (984ft) at its narrowest.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
marx tonight
I'll be at Marx tonight. Proably wont play till after 11pm though, getting there kinda late. We'll see. Mention mattb's thought zone and get a free drink (1). seeya there.
Marx Cafe
3203 Mount Pleasant St. NW
Washington, DC
Marx Cafe
3203 Mount Pleasant St. NW
Washington, DC
Friday, February 03, 2006
New DJ rig!
I'm so excited, Im getting a whole new DJ rig! This will enable me to practice, which is sorely needed! and create a demo disc to hand out. I selected what I think will give me the most bang4buck. including....
Two of these.

One of these. of these!

And some nifty headphones that have blinky LEDs!!!

yaaaaa.... party time.
Two of these.
One of these. of these!
And some nifty headphones that have blinky LEDs!!!
yaaaaa.... party time.
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