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Oh noes!! Not the Verizion help desk; that's where DSL comes from!!Message: 2
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 21:00:21 -0500 (EST)
From: Phil
Mujibar was trying to get into the USA legally through Immigration.
The Officer said, "Mujibar, you have passed all the tests, except there is one more test.
Unless you pass it, you cannot enter the United States of America."
Mujibar said, "I am ready."
The officer said, "Make a sentence using the words Yellow, Pink and Green."
Mujibar thought for a few minutes and said, "Mister Officer, I am ready."
The Officer said, "Go ahead."
Mujibar said, "The telephone goes green, green, green, and I pink it up, and say, 'Yellow, this is Mujibar.'"
Mujibar now lives in a neighborhood near you and works at a Verizon help desk.
From the Trent Lott's Porch yahoo group. Most likely the single useful email I have gotten from them. buy them bumper stickers asshole!!
Holy freaking crap sauce, this is some vile egregious behavior from someone entrusted with the reigns of government. I really think this Cunningham fellow should get 5 years in prison, although i say this with a heavy heart, this guy was a real ACE in Vietnam, the first fighter piolt with 5 kills. But what really burns my toast is the fact that these companies that knowingly bribe our elected officials STILL HAVE THE CONTRACTS which were illicitly obtained. So while Cunningham makes his tearful apology in front of the news cameras, some black hole recipient of tax payer money continues to perform on a contract which they aren't fully entitled too. This MZM Company is dirty as shit as it is. Belch, I think that I’m going to be sick. for real.Congressman Admits Taking Bribes, Resigns
GOP's Cunningham Faces Jail Term
By Charles R. Babcock and Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, November 29, 2005; Page A01
Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Calif.) resigned from Congress yesterday after tearfully confessing to evading taxes and conspiring to pocket $2.4 million in bribes, including a Rolls-Royce, a yacht and a 19th-century Louis-Philippe commode.
The decorated Vietnam-era fighter pilot, 63, entered his guilty plea to a federal court in San Diego and then choked up as he proclaimed: "In my life, I have known great joy and great sorrow. And now I know great shame."
continue reading.. - washington post article.
MZM, Inc. background.. - USA Today story from 11-09-05 coverage - it dosen't get any better. prepare to get sicker.
An interesting series of articles concerning some cutting edge psychology research. I'd love to be fearless. It's kind of disconcerting to realize how deeply ingrained these responses are in our psyche.Can We Cure Fear?
Scientific American
We naturally view any risk we witness as a personal threat--even when it is on the opposite side of the globe and we see it only on TV. Is popping a pill the answer?
By Marc Siegel
Excerpted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (, from False Alarm: The Truth about the Epidemic of Fear. Copyright ?2005 by Marc Siegel.
In early 2004 my daughter, Rebecca, was taking a bath. She was almost three years old. When the tub's Jacuzzi device turned on, she became petried. I raced to her side, to find her standing straight up, bright red from crying.
For months afterward, she abhorred baths. As a physician who has studied the neurobiology of fear, I knew that the prefrontal cortex of her young brain had just finished wiring its "safety center," where analytical reasoning can overcome primitive emotions. I tried to appeal to her newly working brain center to suppress the worry that this tub would always bring the scary bubbles, but her body's innate response was too strong. By starting with showers and diverting the focus of her attention from the tub, I was gradually able to return her to baths. But to this day she is wary of bubbles.
Why is fear so intractable? And what can we do about it? Therapy has provided succor for many people; others have relied on the strength they get from their faith or other support networks. But in a world where we regularly witness hair-raising events--such as the aftermath of suicide bomber attacks in full color on our living-room televisions, on Web sites and on newspapers' front pages--is such verbal support enough? Answering a perceived need, fear-blunting medications are coming onto the scene. Could we--should we--all simply pop pills to ease our anxieties?
continue reading..Info on Propranolol..
I wrote half of this last nite while black out drunk and hardly remember any of it. Good times. Things to try while waiting for the metrorail
Find homeless looking people and then bet them $300 that they can’t piss on the third rail while still standing on the platform. Use counterfeit bills.
Locate two payphones close to each other so that the handsets can be placed receiver to earpiece, dial the same 1-800 number on each phone and chuckle with mirth as call center employees answer each other.
Ask everyone in sight "when is the bus getting here?" when some genius says that it's called a train say "nuh-uh, a train is when you fuck 5 people" very loudly.
Go to the pay phone again, this time dial 1-800-COLLECT, when asked for your name say Harry Balzac, Dick Fitzwell, etc... Enter a random number using the 808 area code, this is in Hawaii. If someone actually accepts the charges, call them a moron and hang up. Or turn to a stranger and say, "it's for you".
Sit on the bench next to several people who are waiting for the train, when they get up to enter the train car that has arrived stay where you are remaining perfectly still while staring at the ceiling. As soon as the doors closing tones chime blindly attempt to leap onto the train, if you’re lucky the doors will close on your midsection in mid air, scream loudly about the vicious “man trap” in which you have become ensnared.
Ask the station manager if he knows where to buy cocaine.
Metro train drivers often look out the window down the length of the train to determine if everyone has boarded. Wait for this right next to that window as close as possible without being seen. When they stick their head out, yell BOOGIE-BOOGIE-BOOLHA YAHAHA as loudly as possible all up in their face. This will freak them out a great deal.
Stuff a backpack with several liquor bottles, different mixers and a couple of martini glasses. Carry a large cardboard box at least waist high, have a collapsible stool on hand and a table cloth for the box. Set up a bar and start selling drinks but charge outrageous prices like $16 for a gin and tonic. If anyone has the gall to complain about the prices tell them they can take their business elsewhere. Where else are they going to go?
Write the words “metro card $5” on the back of an old 7-11 receipt using either crayons or lipstick. Offer to sell it for ONLY THREE DOLLARS to people using the fare card machines. Loudly berate their stupidity for passing up such an obvious bargain.
Do all the above while wearing a fine tuxedo. Anything is possible when you are wearing a tuxedo.
I think this is absurd, mistake or not he should be prosecuted. If every theif was allowed to claim that they simply forgot to return whatever turned up missing, why it'd be anarachy! Home Depot Apologizes to Pencil Thief
By Associated Press
Published November 21, 2005, 11:05 AM CST
METHUEN, Mass. -- Home Depot Inc. apologized to a carpenter who was banned by the chain worldwide after he absent-mindedly pocketed a pencil he had used up to do some quick math. Michael Panorelli, 51, of Lawrence, was accused of shoplifting from the Methuen store last Thursday and banned from Home Depots.
Panorelli was with a client and had just bought some lumber when the client picked up the pencil sitting next to a cash register for Panorelli to use. Panorelli pocketed the pencil and was met in the parking lot by a worker who asked for identification. The worker presented Panorelli with one letter saying he was banned from Home Depot, and another advising that he would be hearing from the company's lawyers.
Panorelli took his story to the Eagle-Tribune newspaper in Lawrence, which published it over the weekend. On Sunday, Atlanta-based Home Depot issued a written apology, saying the incident was prompted by a narrow interpretation of its shoplifting-prevention rules.
"We will not be pursuing any claims against Mr. Panorelli for this incident," the statement said. "We welcome Mr. Panorelli back as a customer in our stores at any time." But the carpenter said he had no intention of doing business there again, adding, "Why should I put money in someone's pocket when they treat me like this?"
Copyright © 2005, The Associated Press
I'm glad to hear some kids are still holding it down some place some how. Good for them.Campus Crime Log
Nov. 7 - Nov. 13
By: Allison Conley
Issue date: 11/17/05 Section: News
Campus Crime Log is a weekly feature of The Echo and is compiled from UTC police reports to keep students aware of incidents on campus. Reports are listed in chronological order.
Tuesday, November 8
052192 - A victim filed a report to UTC police on accidental property damage. On Nov. 2, the victim was walking under a balcony at Lockmiller.
The residents were washing their door on their balcony with a bleach and water solution, unknown to the victim. The bleach-water damaged her blue jogging suit when it came into contact with the drippings above her.
Both suspects felt as if they were not liable for the damages. Attempts to contact the suspects by telephone were unsuccessful.
052202 - A male was seen going into a window of the 2000 building of UTC Place on the Douglas Street side. After finding out what room it was, police responded to the room to find out what was going on. An identified suspect said that he climbed though the window to visit the females that were staying there. The suspect was let off with a warning.
There were also three other males who were in the room drinking underage and who were not UTC students. They stated that they had just come from a concert and were going to stay there. There were at least 20 to 30 empty beer cans on the counter. The three males were charged with drinking underage and they all admitted to drinking the beer. They were all 18 years old. The RA was called out to the room belonging to freshmen girls.
The girls were written up by the RA and will be sent to student affairs. The men were sent on their way and cited to appear in court.
Wednesday, November 9
052205 - An officer responded to the UC to Aramark food services for a theft. Upon police arrival, police spoke with the suspect who advised that he had taken a 12-pack of chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-A without paying for them. The manager and cashier advised that suspect walked from Chick-fil-A without paying for the food.
This incident will be turned over to student affairs and the deans.
052207 - An officer responded to lot 34 on a vandalism call. Upon arrival, police noticed that one of the emergency parking lot phones was laying on the ground. The phone appeared to have been ripped from the pole. Police contacted facilities.
052209 - UTC police received a call indicating there was an intoxicated person in the lobby of the Fine Arts Center. Once inside the building, the officer encountered the assistant dean of students who advised that there was a student making statements about being a female Kappa Delta.
The suspect had bloodshot eyes and an odor of alcohol on his breath. The suspect maintained his balance and composure well during the interview and was allowed to leave so a friend could pick him up.
Thursday, November 10
052216 - An officer responded to a call of an assault to the UTC Place 3000 building. Upon arrival, the officer met with the person who called in the complaint.
He stated that he and a group of guys, including the suspect, were hanging out in the room when for unknown reasons, the suspect came up behind him, grabbed him from behind, bear-hugged him, stole his cell phone and left. Police were unable to located the suspect.
022187 - An officer was dispatched to Boling Apartments on a reported narcotics violation. Upon arrival to the apartment, police knocked on the door and requested entrance.
The defendant opened the door and there was a pack of cigarettes in plain view hollowed out in the floor and incense was burning. The defendant was informed of the reason why the police were called and asked for verbal consent to search the room. The defendant consented in both the presence of the RA and the officer.
Alcohol was discovered in the room and the defendant was cited for possession of alcohol underage. The defendant refused to cooperate with the RA or police and was almost cited for disorderly behavior. No narcotics were found at the time.
Great interview with Matthew Simmons, author of 'Twilight in the Desert'. - read all about it.
When I first read this I thought they meant looting from a liquor store, but these National Guardsmen stole the booze from a private home! That's pretty despicable. Their punishment? Send em' to Iraq!
Two soldiers arrested for alleged looting
Posted: Nov 15, 2005, 07:50 AM
NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Two members of the Louisiana National Guard were arrested after they were seen carrying boxes of liquor from a home and loading them into a Humvee, authorities said.
The alleged looting took place in the affluent Eastover community in eastern New Orleans, police said. Other boxes of apparently stolen liquor were found in the back of the military vehicle, investigators said.
A spokesman for the Louisiana National Guard said that two soldiers assigned to hurricane relief duties were detained and turned over to military authorities. Maj. Ed Bush said the soldiers could either be court-martialed or turned over to civilian authorities for prosecution.
Police Capt. Bob Bardy said the detention of Sgt. Glen Wallace and Sgt. George Babers marks the second time police have stumbled across apparent looting by National Guard soldiers. Two weeks ago, two soldiers were arrested after they were allegedly seen taking items from an electronics store in eastern New Orleans.
Ha ha, that's some whack shit. She's pandering to her district to get some support for the next election; I can imagine what her constituency looks like. Jeesh, wasting congressional time with this tripe.THE TUPAC SHAKUR RECORDS COLLECTION ACT
A bill modeled on the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act would require the U.S. National Archives to establish a "Tupac Amaru Shakur Records Collection."
The bill, introduced by Rep. Cynthia McKinney, is based on the premise that "all Government records related to the life and death of Tupac Amaru Shakur should be preserved for historical and governmental purposes."
Tupac Shakur "was a highly influential, best-selling American hip hop artist, considered by many to be one of the greatest and most legendary rappers of all time," according to an entry in Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. He was killed in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas in 1996.
Rep. McKinney's bill, which has no co-sponsors and no identifiable support, is unlikely to become law.
A copy of the "Tupac Amaru Shakur Records Collection Act of 2005," H.R. 4210, introduced November 2, 2005, is posted here:
write-up, and news coverage -
From the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy. Link.
I can't wait for this nightmare to be over. These countdown keychains will help you pass the time, one second at a time, until chimpie is out of the oval office and they make great stocking stuffers. all hail the rat king. check em' out. boohhhh!!1

Hell yes! And I might add that it's about time. Our government is finally getting serious about building a giant fence to keep illegal aliens from settling in the US. These people are like, they just start walking north and then "hey Holmes this looks like a nice place I think I'll live here. I mean, come on who does that?? Yeah I'm just going to go someplace and decide to live there, in a different country, and not tell anybody. Ridiculous! Since none of these invaders have the common decency to go through the accepted process and feel it’s perfectly alright to just walk here, the only sane thing to do is build a giant fence to deter this type of activity. This may be the dept. of homeland sec.’s only success; I only have to say that it’s a little late in coming. This shit should have been built back in the 70’s and constantly improved since. I bet if they had built the wall sooner, we might still have 99.1 WHFS on the air here instead of LA MeGA. Sigh...11/04/05
DHS, Congress offer border security plans
By Alice Lipowicz
Contributing Staff Writer
As the Bush administration introduces new steps to control border security, a leading Republican congressman is promoting a plan to build a multibillion-dollar fence along the entire U.S.-Mexico border.
Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff announced the comprehensive, new Secure Border Initiative Nov. 2, calling for deployment of integrated surveillance technologies including unmanned aerial vehicles, remote video cameras and next-generation sensors.
Contract awards for the integrated border security system will begin in fiscal 2006, and deployment will occur in fiscal 2007, Chertoff said.
The border initiative also includes an additional 1,000 border agents, greater detention capacity, expedited removal of illegal aliens, increased use of fencing and lighting, and other measures.
Chertoff’s new program appears to encompass the $2.5 billion America’s Shield Initiative, a proposed system of thousands of video surveillance cameras and detection devices at the Mexico and Canada borders that had been announced to contractors in 2004. While Chertoff did not mention America’s Shield by name, industry sources expect that America’s Shield is being folded into the broader program.
“DHS will field the most effective mix of current and next-generation technology with trained personnel,” Chertoff said. “Our goal is to ultimately have the capacity to integrate multiple state-of-the-art cameras and sensors into a single comprehensive detection system and expand infrastructure systems throughout the border where appropriate to strengthen our efforts to reduce illegal entry.”
In related news, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, and Rep. Virgil Goode (R-Va.), said today they would introduce a bill to build a reinforced fence with lighting and sensors along the 2,000-mile border, said Linwood Duncan, a spokesman for Goode. Cost estimates range up to $8 billion.
Only 14 miles of the westernmost section of the border are currently fenced.
Alice Lipowicz is a staff writer for Government Computer News’ sister publication, Washington Technology.
Wow. I'm sure the truth will cum out eventually. Those thieves display a great amount of spunk. MOoooo!!$75,000 in Bull Semen Is Stolen From Frederick Farm
By Nelson Hernandez
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, November 3, 2005; Page B03
In his nearly 16 years in the Frederick County Sheriff's Office, Detective Chuck Jenkins has seen a lot: old-fashioned cattle rustling, grand theft tractor and thousands of more-pedestrian crimes. But he's never seen anything quite like his most recent whodunit: the case of the stolen bull semen.
The burglary took place Sunday in Smithsburg while Eric Fleming was away from his farm, Stonewood Acres. When he got home that night from a visit to relatives in Pennsylvania, he found that the 70-pound semen tank he had in an outbuilding was open, with the electrical cord pulled out of the liquid nitrogen refrigerator, Jenkins said. Sixty-five "straws," containing the precious bodily fluids of 40 to 50 bulls, were missing.
continue reading.
Whoa! More proof that the mechanisms of democracy here in the USA are in need of a serious overhaul. It isn't just a Detroit issue, btw. I'm not going to rehash my plan to fix this; it was spelled out three posts ago. Look it up. DETROIT'S FLAWED REGISTRY: Many erroneous names found on city's voter rolls
November 3, 2005
On the verge of one of the most hotly contested elections in recent years, Detroit's voter rolls are riddled with problems -- filled with the names of voters who are dead, duplicates or people who no longer live in the city. The flawed registry is of concern, election experts say, because it could invite voter fraud. Detroit's city clerk routinely has sent applications for absentee ballots to thousands of people on the voter list for each election -- even to homes of people who have been dead for years, the Free Press found.
As many as 299,000 names on the city's 2004 list of 644,351 registered voters may fall into those categories, Mark Grebner, one of the state's foremost authorities on voter patterns, said Wednesday. Other consultants and state officials agree that Detroit's voter lists carry lots of names that should be purged, though they may quibble with the number.
continue reading...